February 28, 2013

Understanding Bladder Cancer

What is a bladder and where is it positioned?
The urinary bladder is an organ that gathers and holds the urine after the kidneys dispose the same. The urinary bladder is just above and behind the pubic bone; an empty bladder is roughly the shape and size of a pear.

Common diseases in the bladder
You will find a variety of causes that may lead to bladder dysfunction; such causes may result to the subsequent diseases:

1. Infection - It's also referred to as cystitis or urinary tract infection (UTI). This usually occurs more in females and indicators include fever, discomfort in urination or dysuria, blood in the urine and a desire to use the restroom more frequently than usual. Infections are treatable with prescription antibiotic and prompt medication and a physician consultation is recommended.

2. Cystocele - It's a disease or condition in the bladder where the pelvis brings about the dropping of bladder from its position to the woman's organ. If the condition reaches the over the top levels, it may cause problems with the remainder of the urinary parts which may involve the kidneys.

3. Bladder cancer - Cancer may occur in almost any organ of the body and the bladder isn't excused from that. Risk factors including excessive smoking, excessive chemical exposure and family history are some of the bullet points you might want to bear in mind. Symptoms include excessive weight loss, back pains, blood in the urine and frequent urination.

Understanding bladder cancer further
Bladder cancer develops when cancer tissues form in the tissues of the bladder. People must realize that bladder cancer is two times more likely to develop and manifest to smokers compared to those people who aren't using cigarettes. People should also understand the extreme exposure to chemicals such as dyes, paints, and dusts might also trigger bladder cancer.

Treatments of bladder cancer
Just like any other disease, bladder cancer has remedies that may help remove the cancer cells and leave you worry free down the road. The following are the treatment solutions:

1. Surgery - This is one of the easiest ways to remove the cancer cells, in fact 9 out of 10 cases used to suggest surgeries to prevent cancer cells from spreading.

2. Chemotherapy - It has been the most prevalent kind of treatment advised to all cancer patients nowadays. Despite the fact that there are alternative treatments for bladder cancer, chemotherapy is the next best treatment recommended following an unsuccessful surgery.

3. Radiation therapy - This remedy is given that can help eliminate cancer cells with the use of high-dose X-rays. It can be advised following surgery or maybe provided together with chemotherapy.

Keeping your bladder healthy and ways to avoid cancer
Prevention is invariably better than cure. As soon as you have bladder cancer, the only thing you can do is to prevent it from getting worse. With this case however, you may reduce your risk factors by...

1. Quit smoking. As listed above, one of the major reasons exactly why bladder cancer occurs is when a person is regularly smoking. So if you're a smoker, you may prevent cancer by quitting now.

2. Check your environment. Avoid dangerous exposure to chemicals that causes bladder cancer. If your work requires you to do so, make sure you exercise preventive measures such as using face masks and drinking vitamins that can help enhance your immune system.

3. Eat healthy, live healthy. Drink lots of water or fresh fruit juices to aid thin down and clean your bladder. Make sure to constantly flush them promptly so it may not result in infection also.