February 23, 2013

Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is cancer that initiates in the kidneys. Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of the fist. They are positioned behind your abdominal organs, with one kidney on each side of your spine. Every year, kidney cancer is diagnosed in about 190,000 people worldwide. Kidney cancer is somewhat more communal in men as comparing to women and it is regularly identified in between the ages of 50 to 70 years. It is necessary to understand that with initial judgment and proper treatment, kidney cancer can be preserved. In fact if it found early, the survival rate of the cancer range is from 79 to 100 percent. A kidney tumor is an irregular growth in the kidney. Tumors may be benevolent or malevolent (cancerous). The most popular kidney mass is a fluid-filled area called a cyst. Simple cysts are benevolent, don't convert into cancer and mostly do not need follow-up care. Dense kidney tumors can be benevolent, but are cancerous more than 90 percent of the time.

Radical Nephrectomy

Radical Nephrectomy is the whole deduction of the pretentious unit with the nearby tissue. This contains the fat, adrenal gland, lymph nodes and Gerota's fascia. It is presently the gold standard for exclusion of kidney tumors. This treatment can be done through robotic, laparoscopic or by an open procedure. Now a day the mainstream of renal tumors can be removed either robotically or laparoscopically by using slight incisions and camera's to visualize and remove the kidney complete. The similar kidney specimen can also be removed with the open procedure. The long-standing cancer control outcomes are also no difference between the open and robotic or laparoscopic procedures.

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Tactlessly, initial kidney cancers do not mostly cause any signs or symptoms, but larger ones might. Some of the possible signs and symptoms of kidney cancer are following:

Blood in the urine (hematuria)

• Low back pain on one side (not caused by injury)

• Weight loss not caused by dieting

• Fever not caused by an infection and doesn't go away after few weeks

• Anemia (low red blood cell counts)

• Fatigue (tiredness)

• A mass (lump) on the side or lower back

All these symptoms may be caused by cancer, but sometimes they are caused by other diseases also. If you face any of these symptoms in your life, consult a doctor at a time so that the cause can be treated, if needed.

da Vinci® Surgery for Kidney Cancer (Partial Nephrectomy)

Let's discuss about the Robotic Kidney Surgery – Future of Nephrectomy:

The da Vinci Surgical System uses state-of-the-art technology to help your doctor offer the gold standard treatment, where stated and also do a more accurate operation. If the doctor is talented to preserve your healthy, operative kidney tissue then this can support to avert upcoming kidney disease and even dialysis. This process is completed by using the da Vinci Si Robotic Surgical System, a state-of-the-art surgical platform. Through overwhelming the bounds of both traditional and laparoscopic surgery, da Vinci Si is altering the experience of surgery for people around the world.

How Robotic Kidney Surgery Works:

Kidney surgery is usually executed as an open surgery. It needs a large incision and perhaps removal of a rib, which causes greater pain. Additional method, conventional laparoscopy is less offensive but bounds the surgeon's adroitness, conception and control linked to open surgery. While performing a robotic kidney surgery, the surgeon take a sits at a comfort and controls the actions of miniature instruments and a small camera on the end of robotic arms implanted over numerous small incisions in the body. The robot cannot be planned, programmed nor can it make decisions on its own. It is under the complete control of the surgeon all the times.

Kidney Cancer – Statistical Information

• Men are at upper risk of getting kidney cancer than females.

• African Americans are diagnosed more commonly.

• Approximately 1 in 75 people will have kidney cancer in their lifetime.

• 50% to 80% of kidney cancer patients are diagnosed parenthetically without any clinical symptoms.

Benefits of Robotic Kidney Surgery

The wounding edge da Vinci® Surgical System has transformed kidney cancer treatment. Benefits of this minimally invasive surgery are for both – The Patients and The Doctors. For patients it is beneficial in fast recovery and it enables doctors in precision of surgery. Robotic Surgery offers many possible benefits to the patient, including:

• Faster arrival of bowel function after surgery: Excellent clinical results and cancer control

• Short hospital stay - Reduced hospital stay (one day in healthy patients)

• Less postoperative pain: This kind of surgery permits the surgeon to make very little incisions to entree the area that is being operated on. As a result, the patient will experience less discomfort and pain which means faster recuperation.

• Quick return to normal activity and work

• Smaller incisions, less damaging, and faster curing

• Less blood loss

• Precise tumor exclusion and kidney renovation

• Excellent chances of conserving the kidney, in certain operations

• Low rate of operative problems: Stay in hospital will be reduced which will interpret to less hospital bills and there are fewer complications. Reduced medical personnel during surgery and nursing care after surgery will reduce the overall cost.