February 12, 2013

Five Ways to Have a Good Night Sleep

Insomnia is a common problem to many people. This is a condition wherein a person finds it hard to fall asleep. And so, most people suffering from this ailment opt to take sleeping pills just to get through the night.

Getting enough sleep is very essential specially for working people. Sleeping helps gain back the energy of the body and the serenity of the mind. Without proper and enough sleep, one may feel tired and groggy the following day which can highly affect the daily routine. Thus, it is very important to have a good night sleep. If you have insomnia, it is best to consult a doctor. But, you can also try this simple means to help you get a better sleep.

1. Never take caffeinated drinks - As much as possible try to stay away from drinks with caffeine including coffee, chocolate and tea during the night. These drinks contain a substance called caffeine which can prevent you from getting sleepy even if you are lying on your bed. Many people drink coffee before sleeping which results into being wide awake for hours. So, if you need to get a good sleep in order for you to function properly the next day, avoid drinking these kinds of drinks before bedtime.

2. Eat light dinner - Have your dinner a few hours before sleeping. In this manner, the foods you have eaten are properly digested. And most importantly, avoid eating too much during the night. If possible, get yourself a light dinner. When sleeping, it is said that the digestive system works slower than being awake. So if you eat a heavy dinner, you might feel bloated since the food are slowly digested. Or worse, you might end up going back and forth to the comfort room.

3. Get a warm bath - Performing different activities during the day at the office can really drain the energy and can cause muscle tension. A simple way to relax your muscle and your body is by simply getting yourself a warm bath before hopping up into your bed. Warm water helps soothe the body. If you must, soak yourself in the bathtub. You may put in a little amount of liquid bath soap to make bubbles or a drop of essential oil. Stay on the tub for a few minutes. Play soft music to help you relax.

4. Be consistent in sleeping time - Make it a habit to sleep at the same time every night. If you body get use to it, then it'll never be hard to fall asleep. Once the body set an internal sleeping time, automatically you'll feel sleepy when the clock hits that time. Avoid taking a nap during late afternoon as it can affect your sleeping habit. Consistent sleeping time enables you to have a good rest every single night, that is if you sleep at early hour. Late time can never give you good night sleep.

5. Make a friendly bedroom environment - And lastly, you may not notice it but the look of your room can either deprive you from getting a good night sleep or give you a better sleep. Try sleeping in a room full of mess. Can you rest properly? Absolutely no. Dress up your bedroom according to your preference. If you are a fashionista type of person, hang curtains and place loveseat or ottoman in the corner. You can do other stuff in this part of your room like reading book or checking some papers. If you want to make it simple, just keep it looking clean and tidy. Avoid putting lights that have bright colors as they can stain the eyes.

The above mentioned tips do not guarantee 100% efficacy in terms of having better sleep. But they can help and guide you. After a better rest at night, you will feel re-energized when you wake up. If sleeping is really difficult, visit a doctor.