February 2, 2013

Prevent Cancer Naturally A Best Solution

Nowadays cancer is one of the leading factors of death. It is a disease which can cause the cells to divide and grow out of control in the body which leads to tumour. The causes of cancer are various but this disease primarily occur because of unhealthy lifestyle. Following are some natural ways to prevent from cancer.

1. Eat Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the powerful foods that can help you to prevent from cancer effectively. However it is not recommended to microwave broccoli as it ruins its anticarcinogenic flavonoids which are very much essential to fight with cancer. Therefore it is best to boil broccoli or eat it raw like a snack.

2. Add Garlic to Your Meals
Garlic contains antioxidant properties which are very powerful. It not only helps to strengthen the immune system but also helps to prevent cancer. Various researches say that garlic can significantly reduce the odds of stomach cancer.

3. Get Some Exercise
An inactive lifestyle with no exercise can significantly improve the possibility of cancer. Therefore regular exercise is very much essential as it strengthens the immune system and also helps in the regulation of chemicals, enzymes and hormones in the body.

4. Sleep Soundly
Sleep as well as rest is very much essential for health. Basically the human body requires a minimum 8 hours of sleep to keep all its function working properly. Regular sleep assists by maintaining a healthy endocrine system and its ability to fight cancer. It is also essential to sleep in complete darkness in order to promote healthy endocrine system.

5. Steer Clear of Carcinogens
In order to avoid cancer you need to strictly avoid all those things which can cause cancer like Alcohol, Cigarettes and recreational drugs.

6. Avoid Processed Foods
According to research it is observed that processed food and sugar, can considerably increase the risk of cancer. Thus by maintain a healthy diet which should include all nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fats, protein, and fiber is one of the basic step to fight against the cancer.

7. Drink Red Wine
Red Wine is made with the skin of grapes which contains resveratrol and other photochemical that have antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties. According to the research a glass of wine per day can help you prevent for wide range of cancers like leukaemia, skin as well as breast cancer.

8. Reduce Hazardous Interactions
There are varieties of environmental factors which can cause cancer. Radiation of mobile phones and the other electronic devices can increase the chances of developing cancer. Therefore you should make a limit on the exposure to the minimum to combat cancer. Thus these are some of the effective ways that helps to prevent form cancer.