January 30, 2013

Lung Cancer – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lung cancer is the most common cause of death because of cancer in both men and women around the world. The American Cancer Society estimated that 222,520 new installments causes & symptoms of lung cancer in the U.S. is going to be diagnosed and 157,300 deaths because of lung cancer would occur in 2010. Based on the U.S. National Cancer Institute, approximately one inch every 14 men and women within the U.S. will be identified as having cancer of the lung at some point in their lifetime. imonomy - free enrichment tools for your site.

Cancer of the lung is predominantly a disease from the elderly; almost 70% of people identified as having lung cancer are over 65 years old, while less than 3% of lung cancers exist in people under 45 years old.

Lung cancer was not common before the 1930s but increased dramatically next decades as tobacco smoking increased. In lots of developing countries, the incidence of cancer of the lung is beginning to fall following public education concerning the dangers of cigarette smoking and the introduction of effective smoking-cessation programs. Nevertheless, cancer of the lung remains among the most common types of cancers both in men and women worldwide. In the U.S., cancer of the lung has surpassed breast cancer because the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in females.

Causes of Lung Cancer


Cigarettes contains more than four-thousand chemical compounds. A number of these compounds have been demonstrated to cause cancer and therefore are referred to as, 'Carcinogenic.' There are two main Carcinogens in cigarettes; they are chemicals known as, 'Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,' and, 'Nitrosamines.' An individual's risk of developing Lung Cancer decreases each year after they have quit smoking as healthy cells start to grow and replace cells which have been damaged in their lungs. After approximately 15 years of not smoking, the chance of developing Lung Cancer in former smokers approaches what non-smoker.

Lung Cancer is very strongly associated with cigarette smoking. Ninety-percent of Lung Cancers begin due to using tobacco, and the risk of Cancer of the lung increases with the number of cigarettes an individual smokes over time. Doctors rate an individual's risk for Lung Cancer when it comes to, 'Pack-Years.' For example; if a person has smoke two packs of any nicotine products each day for ten years, they're considered to have a twenty, 'Pack-Year,' smoking history. The chance of Lung Cancer is increased having a ten, 'Pack-Year,' history, and persons having a thirty, 'Pack-Year,' history are thought to be at greatest risk for developing Cancer of the lung. Out of persons who smoke several packs of cigarettes each day, approximately one inch seven of them will die from Cancer of the lung.

Cigar and Pipe smokers may develop Cancer of the lung as well, although the risk isn't as great as it is for persons who light up. Persons who smoke cigarettes possess a risk of developing Lung Cancer that's twenty-five times greater than a non-smoker. People who smoke cigars or perhaps a pipe have a risk of Cancer of the lung that is five-times greater than a non-smoker.

Passive Smoking

Passive Smoking requires the inhalation of tobacco smoke from smokers, and it is an established risk factor to add mass to Lung Cancer. Non-smokers who live with an individual who smokes have a twenty-four percent rise in their risk of developing the condition compared to non-smokers who do not live with a smoker. Approximately 3,000 people die every year in America from Lung Cancer that's attributed to passive smoking.

Asbestos Fibers

Asbestos Fibers are silicate fibers, and when in a person's lungs they are able to stay there for the person's lifetime. Workplaces are a common source of contact with these fibers, where these were used in the past as both acoustic and thermal insulation. Asbestos is either limited or banned entirely in lots of nations today, to include America. Mesothelioma, along with other forms of Lung Cancer, has been related to asbestos exposure. Persons who have been subjected to asbestos fibers and who smoke possess a dramatically increased risk of Cancer of the lung. Persons who worked with asbestos, but don't smoke, have five-times the risk of developing Cancer of the lung. Persons who worked with asbestos and smoke possess a fifty to ninety percent increased chance of developing Lung Cancer than a non-smoker.

Radon Gas

Radon Gas is really a chemically inert, natural gas which is a natural decay product of uranium; it emits a kind of ionizing radiation. Radon gas is known to cause Cancer of the lung. Twelve-percent of the deaths from Cancer of the lung are attributed to Radon gas, around 15,000 to 22,000 people die from Cancer of the lung caused by Radon gas each year in the usa. Radon gas is the second leading reason for Lung Cancer in America. Radon gas is able to travel through soil and into people's homes through gaps in pipes, drains, the building blocks of the home or additional openings. Environmentally friendly Protection Agency has estimated that certain in fifteen homes in the usa have dangerous levels of Radon gas, that is odorless and invisible. Radon gas could be detected with easy-to-use test kits.

Family Predisposition

Genetics may play a role in Lung Cancer; a number of research indicates that Lung Cancer is more prone to develop in both smoking and non-smoking relatives of persons who've experienced Lung Cancer than in person one of the general population. There is a region around the long arm of chromosome six that studies have found to be likely to carry a gene related to increased susceptibility for growth and development of Lung Cancer in persons who smoke.

Lung Diseases

Certain lung diseases for example Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), are of an increased risk for developing Cancer of the lung. Persons with COPD have a chance of developing Lung Cancer that is 4 to 6 times greater than a non-smoker.

A Prior Good reputation for Lung Cancer

Persons who have survived Cancer of the lung have a greater risk of developing another Cancer of the lung. Persons who have survived a, 'Non-Small Cell Cancer of the lung,' (NSCLC) have a risk of one or two percent each year of developing another Cancer of the lung. Persons who have survived a, 'Small-Cell Cancer of the lung,' (SCLC) have a risk approaching six-percent every year of developing another Cancer of the lung.
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Air Pollution

Air pollution caused by industry, power plants and vehicles of numerous types raises the likelihood of developing Cancer of the lung in persons who are exposed polluted air. Approximately one-percent from the deaths from Lung Cancer are related to breathing polluted air. Prolonged contact with air pollution may carry risks for developing Cancer of the lung which are similar to Passive Smoking; experts say.

Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

The symptoms you experience related to Lung Cancer vary based on where the tumor is, and just how widespread it is as well. Persons with Cancer of the lung may experience a number of different symptoms, or none whatsoever.

No Symptoms: Twenty-five percent of persons with Cancer of the lung discover it through a routine chest X-ray or CT scan, presented like a solitary, small mass that is sometimes referred to as a, 'Coin Lesion.' They might report experiencing no symptoms whatsoever when their cancer was discovered.

Cancer-Related Symptoms: Cancer growth, in addition to invasion of the person's lung tissues and surrounding tissues, can hinder their breathing. This can present symptoms including coughing, wheezing, heart problems, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood or, 'Hemoptysis.' There's a syndrome known as, 'Pancoast's Syndrome,' that involves cancer that has invaded nerves, causing shoulder pain which travels on the outside of the person's arm. The individual may experience paralysis of their vocal cords leading to hoarseness. They may experience, 'Dysphagia,' or difficulty swallowing because of an invasion of their Esophagus. When the person experiences a large airway obstruction, some of the lung may collapse as well as an infection could occur in the obstructed area.

Metastasis Symptoms: Cancer of the lung which has spread to a person's bones may cause excruciating pain in the areas affected. If Cancer of the lung has metastasized to the person's brain they might experience various Neurological symptoms including headaches, seizures, blurred eyesight, or even symptoms of a stroke including lack of sensation in parts of themselves, or weakness.

Paraneoplastic Symptoms: Persons with Cancer of the lung commonly experience symptoms because of production of hormone-like substances from tumor cells known as, 'Paraneoplastic Symptoms.' The syndromes are generally associated with SCLC, although they may be found with any kind of tumor. One of the more common Paraneoplastic Symptoms related to SCLC is the production of a hormone called, 'Adrenocroticotrophic Hormone,' or, 'ACTH.' ACTH results in oversecretion of a hormone called, 'Cortisol,' through the person's Adrenal Glands; a condition known as, 'Cushing's Syndrome.'

Non-Specific Symptoms: There are several, 'Non-Specific,' symptoms a person may experience of association with Lung Cancer. These symptoms include weakness, fatigue, weight reduction, mood changes, and depression.

Good reasons to Contact Your Doctor: A person should contact their Doctor or any other health care provider if they have a persistent cough, or perhaps a chronic cough that has grown worse. The also needs to do so if they have blood within their sputum, persistent bronchitis, a repetitious respiratory infection, heart problems, unexplained weight loss or fatigue, breathing difficulty, difficulty breathing, or wheezing.

Lung cancer treatment


There are lots of kinds of surgery to remove cancer of the lung tumours:

Pneumonectomy: doctors remove one entire lung (people can breathe while using remaining lung).

Lobectomy: doctors remove a piece of the lung (a lobe).

Segmentectomy or wedge resection: doctors remove part of a lobe.

Laser surgery: a high-energy laser beam destroys the cancer cells in a tumour.


Chemotherapy is medicine that fights cancer. Some types of chemotherapy come in pills. Other forms are delivered into your bloodstream by intravenous drip (IV), in which a machine slowly drips medicine into tubes which go into your veins. Some chemotherapy is offered by injection (a shot).


Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells. Rays can be delivered by a machine that directs the high-energy rays for the cancer, or by a small radioactive pellet that will get implanted in or close to the tumour.

Targeted therapies

Targeted therapies really are a newer treatment for certain kinds of non-small cell cancer of the lung (NSCLC). They come as a pill you are taking once a day.

In Canada, two targeted therapies of lung cancer to be approved for non-small cell cancer of the lung treatment, gefitinib (Iressa©) and erlotinib (Tarceva©).Gefitinib (Iressa) and erlotinib (Tarceva) fit in with a group of medicines called "growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors". They avoid the activation of a protein called epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that spans the outer wall of cells. Normally, activation of EGFR protein sends signals towards the inside of cells to make them divide. Gefitinib and erlotinib hinder this protein. This helps steer clear of the cancer cells from growing and spreading.

Gifitinib and erlotinib works best in people whose cancer cells have specific genetic mutation, called "activating mutations from the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase" ("EGFR-TK" for brief). However, these targeted medicines are utilized in cancer patients who've the mutation and those whose mutational status is unknown (who've not been tested for that mutation).

Photodynamic therapy

With photodynamic therapy, you're injected having a special medicine that gets absorbed by cancer cells. Then doctors shine a high-energy laser light you, which activates the medicine helping it destroys the cancer cells. Photodynamic therapy may be used to treat some cases of early-stage cancer of the lung. It can also be used to help relieve the signs of a blocked airway (airways would be the breathing tubes in your lungs).