December 19, 2011

How to do oral health in primary

Oral health in primary school is at an important period of development, students are in the eruption of permanent teeth, teeth end of the period, followed by replacement with jargon mixed dentition stage, therefore related to the period of permanent tooth development and health.

Period of susceptibility to dental caries in both high school students, but also in gingivitis (gums bleeding easily brushing, etc.) the peak incidence was mainly due to plaque and calculus of local irritation, manifested as bleeding gums, inflammation, swelling and so on.

According to the third national oral epidemiological survey, our 5-year-old children the prevalence of deciduous caries was 66%, 97% of untreated, dental caries prevalence of 12-year-old children 28.9%, of which 89% of untreated, dental caries of children and adolescents has become the first Porcelain teeth affected by factors which affect life class of diseases, so the primary oral health problems must draw our attention.

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Primary oral health care in the common methods are:

1. Develop good oral health habits, eat sweets, drink less carbonated beverages. Too much or drink too much intake of sugar, carbonated beverages, may lead to tooth demineralization, the teeth caused by tooth decay or have allergies.

2. Learn how to correctly brush your teeth, toothbrush with care, so that a toothbrush and a cup, prevent cross-infection. Brush teeth twice a day morning and evening, gargle after every meal.

3. Regular oral health checks at least once The advantages of porcelain veneers a year to promote clean teeth once a year to maintain strong teeth and periodontal health.

4. Early intervention of oral diseases, such as: promoting the use of fluoride toothpaste for children's teeth for pit and fissure sealant, focusing on protecting the "six old teeth" (the first permanent molars).

5. Once the tooth color change, cold, hot, sour, sweet pain and other discomfort to stimulate the early symptoms to prompt treatment of dental caries, missing teeth appear (to pack days, etc.) to early treatment.

6. Positive control dental trauma, dental hard tissue is non-renewable, easily injured in the activities, if the injury bleeding gums, broken teeth, loose, shift immediately to the hospital, when the tooth off, as soon as possible to find teeth on the cold milk, saline or with the mouth to the hospital quickly replanted.